Finest smoothness by means of highest precision
With our CNC processes, we refine surfaces to the highest precision. As a result of this optimized surface quality, BINDER tecsys provides for a lower level of friction and thus for a lower deterioration of the component parts.
Our service: Very high-precision surfacing of copper component parts in shaped, turned, milled or ground implementation. Your advantage: No post-processing of the component parts, and with that higher cost-effectiveness.

Beburring, rounding and polishing
The requirements on quality, precision and surface quality of component parts are increasing - BINDER tecsys has the innovative manufacturing solutions necessary to meet these challenges.
Deburring, rounding and polishing are therefore associated with our core competencies. In this way we provide for long functionality and life-time of precision copper component parts manufactured by machining, milling and orbital pressing. BINDER tecsys removes the traces of manufacturing and refines component parts - including the highest level of reproducibility.
Special refining by lapping
Lapping is an extremely demanding special form of surface refinement. As a result of this refining and micro-finish machining process, the highest surface qualities, extreme mould precision and close dimensional tolerances can be achieved. In addition, these surfaces are characterized by very low deterioration. In this case also, BINDER tecsys possesses the required manufacturing expertise.
The surface finishing itself is carried out in the specially optimized production plant of our sister company.